Cristina Herrera Cristina Herrera

Creating Psychological Safety when Preparing for your Return to the Workplace Strategy

Podcast Published in WorkDesign Magazine, April 2020.

A discussion about supporting our colleagues by creating workplaces where the psychology of safety is a priority and the needs of individuals are accounted for when planning a return to physical office spaces. “Fear is stronger than data” so workplace leaders must combine a data-driven strategy with an understanding of the human psychology that will influence decision-making and comfort levels as we consider re-opening the built environment.

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Cristina Herrera Cristina Herrera

How to Make Free Address Offices More Comfortable

Article Published in HRDive, July 2018.

It’s easy for workers introduced to this type of space to feel like they’ve lost their sense of belonging and comfort. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to create community and continuity in this new environment.

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Cristina Herrera Cristina Herrera

Workstyles: A Life-Cycle Reflection from Pre-K to the Workplace

Article Published on LinkedIn, May 2018.

Throughout our education, we are taught that we are being prepared to live in the “real world”, in a professional world. As they grow, children and young adults are certainly afforded an increased level of trust and responsibility in the progression from preschool up to university. Yet many of us find that once we enter the professional workforce, we are made to revert back to more of a play pen or grade school style of working, far from the intellectually empowering workstyle we experienced in college.

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