Change Management Myths and Assumptions
Podcast Published on Open Sourced Workplace, June 2020.
Touched base with Steve Todd from Open Sourced Workplace to discuss change management myths and assumptions.
How Do I Become Human: Facing Equality, Anti-Racism and Intentionality
Article Published on LinkedIn, June 2020.
Since the dawn of time, being human meant that we were able to develop meaning, tell stories, partake in the act of reciprocation, become social tribes and teach. This behavioral modernity, however, has let us down. We, as a global society, have allowed and encouraged (consciously and unconsciously) historic and modern racial inequality that grows like a cancer. There is a scurry of organizations looking to make a statement condemning injustice, but how do we turn that statement into action?
Discussing Business Strategy and Evaluating Corporate Strategy
Podcast Published on Open Sourced Workplace, May 2020.
Touched base with Steve Todd from Open Sourced Workplace to discuss overall business strategy in informing your corporate strategy. When you are not sure what the organization's priorities are you might want to begin with conducting a corporate strategy assessment. While I don't go into the types of questioning techniques I use, I share the model I use to help facilitate the process; Rubik's Cube.