Cristina Herrera Cristina Herrera

Creating Psychological Safety when Preparing for your Return to the Workplace Strategy

Podcast Published in WorkDesign Magazine, April 2020.

A discussion about supporting our colleagues by creating workplaces where the psychology of safety is a priority and the needs of individuals are accounted for when planning a return to physical office spaces. “Fear is stronger than data” so workplace leaders must combine a data-driven strategy with an understanding of the human psychology that will influence decision-making and comfort levels as we consider re-opening the built environment.

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Cristina Herrera Cristina Herrera

We’re All In This Together

Article Published on LinkedIn, April 2020.

This is the first time in human history where we are all, globally and collectively, facing the same enemy. Forget enterprise change management – we need a global strategy! One that is rooted in the psychology of safety… Remember that we are social beings. In times of unrest there is a fear of being kicked out of the tribe. A growth mindset will help you to overcome feelings of anxiousness and helplessness. It can help you to cultivate consciousness, build resilience and prepare you to learn.

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